To support a culture of equity and interconnected well-being for people, animals, and the environment in Maine.


Our Approach

We seek to create a healthier and more equitable Maine, where all people, animals, and environment thrive. We build relationships based on trust that span diverse groups of people and places across the state and connect organizations with the resources they need. Together with our partners we’re expanding access to power and strengthening communities for lasting change.


 Program Areas

The Sewall Foundation provides grants to our nonprofit partners through our Animal Welfare, Food Systems, Keystone, Lewiston-Auburn, Nature-Based Education, Rural Partnerships, Wabanaki, Rapid Response, and Legacy program areas. Additionally, Sewall is committed to deploying our assets in support of our mission and values through impact investments.

Elmina B. Sewall Founder

Our Founder

As a child, Elmina Brewster Sewall was given two piggy banks. Her weekly allowance was divided equally: half in a piggy bank designated for her own spending and half in a piggy bank marked "Charity". Thus began "Sis" Sewall's lifelong commitment to helping those in need. She long focused her volunteer and philanthropic efforts on animal welfare, land conservation, and issues affecting human well-being.