In simple terms, the Sewall approach is how we move our mission forward. Our approach sees that the current state of life in Maine is not fair or just. It must change so that people, animals, and the environment here can thrive. We understand that change is not linear, and that challenges facing communities are best addressed with solutions that come from and are led by the community. As an organization working on social and systems change, how we do our work is as important as what we do. Below, you can read about the components that, together, form Sewall’s approach to advancing our mission.



It Starts with Our Values

Our values are the foundation for all our work. Trust, creativity, relationships, community, and equity permeate all of our work, including our culture, structures, decision making, and practices. These shared values ground what we do and how we do it.


Beliefs that Guide Us

Grounded in our values, we carry certain assumptions into our work. Our belief in interconnection, abundance, integrity, and commitment shape how we put our values into action.


Centering Our Mission

Our mission is the heart of who we are and the center of all we do. It is the north star that orients us and continually informs our decisions and actions.


Strategies That Define Our Work

Our strategies are the tools we use to move us closer to our mission. We use multiple strategies – providing resources, nurturing relationships, and sharing lessons as we learn –  to move our mission forward.


Where We Seek to Support Change

We recognize that alone, we cannot make any of these changes possible. We support and encourage shifts towards our long-term impacts by working in alignment with our values, together with nonprofit and philanthropic partners.


Our Vision

Our vision is a universal goal that benefits all people, animals, and the environment in Maine.  As we move towards this vision from our different communities and paths, together we can make this shared vision a reality.